January 31, 2006

the return

People talk about being addicted to alcohol, drugs, tobacco, food... etc.

I am addicted to the Internet.

Five days ago, I blew up my PC by trying to install some memory without unplugging the damn thing first. Four days ago, I acquired a new, faster motherboard, a new case, a video card, and a network card. The next four days are a frustrating struggle to figure out why my wireless card is fubar, and why my video card takes a big poop when my two network cards are in a certain slot, and why the wireless router doesn't work for anyone else in the house when it's on my PC desk, but if I move it four feet to my Mac desk, everything works fine (all the internet must have been going out the window).

An hour ago, I finally got my Internet working again.

Those four days were impossibly long. I didn't realize how much of my routine involved the 'net; in the morning, while I'm having coffee, I surf the blogs. While I'm waiting at the bus stop or riding the bus, I listen to podcasts or new music. I play a *lot* of online poker. At night, I chat up my friends on the IM, and watch friends of mine that make final tables in 20-table tournaments. (congrats, Kevin!!!)

I couldn't do any of that, and I felt SO LOST. I would listen to the radio when I could to get some news, and I've actually been reduced to reading the GF Herald to get snippets of what's been happening with Alito (confirmed) and the Prez'dint (bombed the SOTU). I got a book from the library (Neil Gaiman's "Anansi Boys") and read it in the garage while smoking a cigar yesterday because I had two hours to kill and no idea what to do with myself.

I did my taxes today... sort of. I still have to mail my signed form to the IRS, but other than that, everything is filed and complete. The Lifetime Learning credit is non-refundable, and that's bullshit. However, if I remain a destitute student, next year I will qualify for the EIC, which is most definitely refundable.

In other news, I found a pair of flannel pants at target for $4. I am so sick of Diggnation that I will strongly consider deleting it from my video-podcast directory. GOD those guys are (-1, Offtopic). I still can't get my iMac on the internet. I need another ethercable to put into the switch; you can't just plug an ethernet cable from one computer into another and expect it to work. (to which I say: WHY THE FUCK NOT???)

It's good to be back. If you'll excuse me, I have some surfing to do; there is much tv to be downloaded.

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