February 1, 2006

jes kos i luv yew

To everyone that wants to get up and talk about how dailyKos is crap, I give you this:

The January Straw Poll of likely Democratic presidential candidates in 2008.

(I voted for Mark Warner, governor of Virginia... but only because Al Gore is not on the list. Sen. Feingold (D-WI) seems to be the frontrunner, but I gotta say that our last experience with a sitting senator running for president was, well... senatorial. Sartorial? Laughable? Yes.... laughable.)

Wes Clark interests me... there's a comment under the poll somewhere that talks about how Clark "united 19 famously uncooperative European nations and their militaries to fight a war," which I think would play well against Bush's "Coalition of the Mighty Filipinos and Poles." 'Cause we all know that you've gotta fear the Poles... they'll run away.

Seriously, though, check it out. Although there's a lot of "Feingold can't win because he's a ... you know... j-o-o...?" garbage, there are some clever retorts, and it's a generally interesting and stimulating discussion about who should be the one to lead America in saving itself.

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