January 11, 2006

scotch? or bourbon?

is crown royal scotch or bourbon?

I can never tell.

I'm not happy with the way the Alito hearing has been happening. I listened to the whole deal while I got clowned at the poker tables yesterday, and I gathered three things:

1) Republicans are cheerleaders for anyone else who might be Republican.
2) Roe v. Wade is not "settled law," it is subject to a "super-precedent."
3) *most important* the executive branch of government is not responsible to the legislative, even in cases where the executive claims exception from the legislative. most important of all, there might be situations where the executive can make decisions regardless of legislative imperatives, and these decisions WOULD NOT BE SUBJECT TO JUDICIAL REVIEW.

no links; it's way late, and i'm tired. this guy is clearly a bushie. i pray to the god that doesn't exist that the democrats filibuster; otherwise, i wonder whether or not there will be presidential elections in 2008.

all hail king george.


Phoenix Learning said...

Crown Royal is Canadian whiskey.

Dusty O'Connell said...

yeah. canadian whiskey is blended whiskey, you stupid younger... me.