January 18, 2006

a little bit funky

DJ Sasha is -- BY FAR -- my favorite DJ. The live show he performed for Radio One's Essential Mix is probably my favorite trance mix of all time. No, you know what, scratch the probably... it's the best. If you're good, I might even link to it so you can download and listen to what was voted (in a landslide) the best Essential Mix of 2005.

Sasha performed a live show in Gypsyla---uh, ...Australia on January 13th, and you can listen to it on the Radio One website. Unfortunately, the BBC Radio Player is a fairly limited device, and before you can get to the good stuff, you have to listen to the show's DJ, Annie Nightingale, mix a brief show first (as well as promote some live shows across the pond that I would cut off two fingers to see). Her accent is 180 degrees from sexy, and her choice in music is.... well... boring.

So, if you can survive the first part of the show intact, you will be treated to the world's best DJ mixing a freakin' sweet set.

But only if you click this link. (This link will only lead to the Sasha show until January 20th, so get there quick and get your fix.)

Oh, and while I'm at it, I encourage you to listen to the Essential Mix on BBC Radio 1 every week. I have never not liked it. If you ever loved, liked, or didn't hate dance music, you will love this show. If you ever wanted to learn anything about dance music, or if you ever wanted to seem European without wearing a turtleneck and carrying a purse, you will love this show. In fact, why are you still reading this? Go there and tap your foot or wiggle your butt in your chair or whatever you like to do. Right now. Go on.... I dare you.

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