October 22, 2005


Stan the Civic
March 20, 2005 - October 21, 2005

my car got wrecked today.

i was driving up the exit from columbia rd. to demers ave., while working at pops tonight. stopped at the north-south light, where demers ave. crosses right in front of pops, team electronics, etc.

light turns green, so i go. since my light was green, the cross-traffic light was red, a fact which escaped the notice of the 18-year-old female driver of a 1994 ford explorer. a perfect t-bone, right in the front passenger door.

what amazed me was how long the whole ordeal seemed to take, and yet how quickly it was over. the headlights, noise and shower of glass took like four hours, but i didn't even notice the flying plastic or crushing of the passenger door/dashboard. she was profusely sorry, and i wanted to lay into her, asking her how sorry would help me get another job, but that would have just made her cry.

so far as i know, i'm okay. my right hand instinctively went up to protect my face, and that was pretty much the only exposed area of skin on my body at the moment, so it caught quite a bit of glass. i went to the hospital to have them take it out and swab me down with some antibiotics, and they took a couple x-rays. i wanted to keep the glass, but all the fragments were miniscule. my fingers are a teeny bit broken, too, but not to the point where they need a cast or splints or anything. ("1% fracture.") during the great deal of down-time at the hospital, i had horrific visions of waking up tomorrow a quadraplegic, but the doc tells me that is highly unlikely.

the anaesthetic has mostly worn off, and now my fingers hurt like hell.

my first real taste of freedom when they let me out of work-release was getting into Stan and driving away.

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