October 9, 2005

and another thing!!!

so, a short list of things going very badly for the bush administration:

1) Iraq is a clusterfuck, still.
2) FEMA actively prevented good things from happening in New Orleans. New Orleans may be so digustingly dirty that it is actually toxic. President Bush outlines massive money to immediately be given to Halliburton subsidiary Kellogg, Brown, and Root, in a no-bid contract to take care of the "number one priority" in the hurricane aftermath: restoring military bases.
3) NY Times reporter Judy Miller's newly-acquired (to use the Times's own parlance) notes indicate that Lewis Libby and Karl Rove spoke about Valerie Plame and Joe Wilson a couple of weeks before Robert Novak's story came out. Likelihood of presidential/vice presidential involvement in the whole situation seems *extremely* high, along with possibility of everyone being indicted or at least associated with a conspiracy.
4) Senate majority leader (a republican) under investigation by the SEC.
5) House majority leader indicted.
6) Karl Rove agrees to testify for the Plamegate grand jury without a guarantee of immunity.
7) President disagrees with 9/10 of the Senate, who all say torture should be expressly forbidden.
8) Conservatives are angry because President Bush nominated his own lawyer to be SCOTUS justice.

And what is the lead story in all the papers today?

New York subways shut down AMID FEARS of a terrorist attack.
Rumors spreading that the plan was initiated in Iraq.

It never fails... just when things can't get any worse for Bush Inc., they stoke the fears of the populace with the possibility of another terrorist attack. No attack, mind you, just "credible evidence" that nobody can talk about. Oh, and the Iraq thing thrown in there for good measure, you know, since the Prezdint just gave a speech about how if we get out of Iraq, we're giving it to the terrorists.

This time, I don't think it's going to work.

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