October 28, 2005

does he rofl? or lmao?

i like to laugh. a lot. it soothes the soul.

occasionally, i will laugh so hard that i cry. less frequently, i will laugh so hard that the pain in my belly demands that i think about something unpleasant so that the laughter ends, because it simply hurts too much to continue. Fits like this usually only happen between me and my brother, because he tends to laugh with great intensity, which makes me laugh, which makes him laugh harder, and so on until we both have little red lines over our abdominal muscles, tears streaming down our faces, and can no longer breathe.

this killed me. in fact, while i was posting this, i could not look at the link or the artlcle for fear that i would bust out laughing again.

however, now the pain has subsided, and i am ready and willing to venture back into the funniest (or possibly second-funniest) thing I have ever read. it's probably not as awesome if you've never owned a cat, but if you have, be prepared to have the rest of your day destroyed by the funniest thing you have ever read.

none of the above is hyperbole.

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