May 26, 2005


The first thing Kevin said to me when I saw him was "..You look thin." The next thing (of any importance) came when we were in his car, hurtling down the freeway at speeds that would kill us both if I were to attack, molest, or interfere with Kevin in any way.

"You know we're not going to e3, right?"

As I searched my feelings, I knew it to be true. On the plane, I had been thinking about drive time... SF to LA is about 7 hours one way, and we were not making that trip every day. We were also probably not staying in a hotel in LA. Plus, we'd be signing up a day late, and I still had't seen or heard anything about these "tickets." My only regret is that I did not end both of our lives in a flaming wreck right there on the freeway. It is the only sort of death we deserved.

Although I was excited to fly someplace for the first time in years, I discovered shortly after the first plane took off that I don't really like flying. The most frightening part of the journey came as we were landing in SF; the airstrip reaches out into the bay, and incoming flights arrive from the west... over the bay. Watching from my tiny window, I saw our plane fly closer and closer to the water until I almost cringed with the expectation of impact and chaos. At the last possible second, land appeared under us and I felt the plane touch down.

1 comment:

Dusty O'Connell said...

Why would I lie about something so insignificant? you're the one who killed the younglings.... not the YOUNGLINGS??? !!!