May 10, 2005

first post!

I got my re-admission letter to UND yesterday, and I registered for class today. 20 credits doesn't seem like that much on paper, but I bet it'll be a lot when all my homework is due and I'm slacking off. Mostly taking classes that I failed my first year, and a prerequisite for a stats class that i've been putting off. Thanks to my laziness/depression/whatever, my GPA is a rockin' 0.93. What a joke.

I leave for e3 in a week. It's just now settling in that soon I will be hopping a plane and going to California, on a real vacation, for five whole days!! Compared to the years of being too broke to do anything but drink a lot, this is like high society. I fully plan to blog heavily about the experience, hopefully not too long after it happens. That's the point of this whole endeavor, but as time goes by, maybe I'll find something else worthwhile to blog about.

For now, though, DrunkenBlog has a very interesting article about the the company that 'wrote' CherryOS 'from scratch' and the web of lies they have woven around themselves. Although this is a very interesting story, and basically exposes a couple of crooks, it is very heavy on details and difficult to digest for anyone without a semi-grasp of intellectual property law and computer programming. To say the least, it is not ready for prime time, but if you've got an hour to kill, I encourage you to read it, if for no other reason than to laugh at the ridiculous letters, emails, and chat logs acquired during drunkenbatman's investigation.

No frisbee golf scores; it's been way too windy today to even try.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah good. Blogger is much better than anything I was going to set up for you. I'm going to (opens up Terminal) change the (sshes to hagrid) link on my page to you now (wrangles html). There. Much better

Recoculous. That's great. I saw that you had your url as your away message. It looks funny in print too... like one it's one of those hoity-toity liberal blogs that uses some fancy word nobody ever heard of.

Wow. I know another blogger now. Maybe I should figure out this RSS thing....