April 29, 2014

in the land of the blind a one-eyed man is king

The comedy world is changing, fast.

joe rogan won't shut up about it. but i won't steal a guy's act..


with the proliferation of really great comedy podcasts, you can get an unpaid internship in comedy if you have a long commute, or if you have a lot of time to listen to comics talk to each other and an audience simultaneously. isn't that what internship is about? listening, watching, seeing how this shit is done? the opportunity to let the pros -- guys like Stanhope, Rogan, Gaffigan, Burnham, Irrera, Shaffir, Diaz, Attell, and on and on... the opportunity to let those guys talk to each other about life and the job and their friends is so illuminating, it's like the thing you pay $5,000 for in college to get paid nothing and get coffee for whatever startup is in the old Daily Camera building this month, except free and not humiliating, unless you spent months believing Adam Carolla was the king of podcast.

There's such a huge disconnect between the people with money and the people with no money. People with money will give any amount of money to any stupid thing -- some guy who draws an Internet comic -- it's like a newspaper comic, but you can only see it on the Internet -- some guy who draws an Internet comic made fun of a website that stole his work, they reprinted it without his permission. The website that reprinted his shit without permission sues him for defaming them. (Which, what the fuck. God bless America, right?) The website that stole the comics in the first place wants $20,000 to settle out of court with the guy who drew the FUCKING COMICS. So what does the author slash artist do? He asks the Internet for the money. Within a week, he has $100,000.

Meanwhile, if you turn on the five o'clock news in any state in America, you'll see a privileged, comfortable white man in a position of great political power -- your state governor -- explaining to you why every single fucking item in the state budget must be cut, except of course for the parts where we hand huge subsidies to enormous, land-raping, human-consuming industries without asking them to pay a penny in taxes in return... well, those people would just up and leave these natural resources alone if we didn't pave the way toward the MOST VALUABLE GODDAMN THINGS IN THE ENTIRE FUCKING EARTH WITH A DIAMOND STUDDED CARPET RED WITH THE BLOOD OF HUMAN CHILDREN AND ENTIRE FUCKING SPECIES, WOULDN'T THEY? They'd go John fucking Galt on us and go blast oil out of someone else's ground!

The moral of the story, I guess, is that if you've got money, it's much more important to donate it to a webcomic artist than any of the 100 million people in America - THE RICHEST COUNTRY IN THE FUCKIN' WORLD - who can't afford to see a dentist. SO WHAT IF A THIRD OF AMERICA's TEETH ARE ALL SMALL AND CORN-LOOKIN' AND SHIT?

At least we can laugh at drawings of fat people and cats. LOL OATMEAL IS A FUNNY WORD

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