July 12, 2006


Wow, we finally did it.

The war in Iraq is over (we won); terrorism has been defeated (we even figured out that nasty bit about defeating an ideology). Nobody in America has to go hungry, and everyone has access to a doctor. Our kids get the best public education in the world, and we've figured out a way to let all the immigrants that want to come to the US get visas. Money no longer poisons every part of our government, and elections are fair and free. North Korea and Iran have given up on building nukes, and copyright infringement is a thing of the past. Net neutrality will be preserved, and competition between media companies has been protected.

Phew. Now that we've solved all other problems, we can finally ban gambling on the Internet.

Oh, what? We didn't solve any of those other problems?

Oh. That's too bad. At least we can still ban gambling on the Internet.

fuck you, america.

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