July 25, 2006

bigger and better things

recoculous is being massively updated, upgraded, and graduated to its own site. your patience is appreciated, and your eyes are welcomed, wherever my rants may be seen. updates are forthcoming.

i figured out why it hadn't rained for two months in GF: I never washed my car. Here it is, not two days past the latest wash, and the pitter-patter of raindrops can be heard on the shiny white exterior of Carter, the little white Saturn. (yes, i finally found a name.)

Here is a link to the weblog I wish recoculous could be. It can't, though, because this site is called Neatorama. (and it is. neat-o-rama.)

Here's the obligatory political link. This one's about why it's so important for the Democrats to take control of the Senate this fall. Ted "The Internet is Not a Truck" Stevens would get the boot, Kent Conrad would move up to a chairmanship and the chair of a subcommittee or two, Dorgan would get a chairmanship, Leahy would take over Intelligence, and a bunch of other awesome stuff. It's all right here; read it, and vote for Kent Conrad in November. More on that later. Also, if you live in District 43 in Grand Forks (near the library and Red River HS), vote for Jamie Selzler for ND House. Anyone who coaches high-school debate, claims to be a Republican, and then gets sick of the party's mendacity and switches to Dem-NPL is A-OK by me.

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