November 24, 2005

november 24th

Happy Thanksgiving!!

That phrase always looks so ridiculous to me... something about both words having capital letters. I don't know; I digress.

It's been almost eight months to the day since I walked away from the confines of the correctional system; in that time, I bought a car, went to SF, moved into my house, changed jobs, and went back to school. I'm playing good poker, I'm doing acceptably well in school, and I'm looking forward to when the Park District pours the ice rink behind our house so that I can go skating.

Particularly when you think about it against the background of Hurricane Katrina, the war in Iraq, the tsunami in Asia, or any one of innumerable disasters around the world (and close to home) in the last year or so, being able to take such clearly defined steps forward towards my own goals and destinations is .... t3h r0x0r. molodiets. ee desu.

Today I just wanted to use this space to reflect for a few minutes, and to share my gratitude and joy with the two people in the audience. So I did, the distilled results are viewable above, and there was lots of ensuing joy and gratitude. OMG U R 4LL T3H B35T!!!!!!!!11!!!!11eleven!!!!11! Best wishes to everyone, everywhere; no matter whether you're with family, friends, or 30 cats and a turtle.

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