November 23, 2005

i'm afraid it's not keeping any drinks anything any more

The insurance ordeal is nearly over. I sent them the title to Stan, and "the check is in the mail," .... literally.

In other news, my PC keyboard's space bar was not functioning properly due to unfortunate beer spillage. I pounded on it a few times after an unfortunate hand of poker was followed by an inability to type a pithy comment about my opponent's mother.

Now it works fine.

Also, I was at the mall yesterday, and picked up a turtleneck shirt to cover up the latest evidence that I really am some sort of man-whore. It appears that the evidence will be gone by tomorrow anyways, and I really only bought the shirt so that I wouldn't have to deal with my mom making fun of me when I go home for thanksgiving.... I guess it will have to wait until next time.

While I was there, I of course had to play a couple rounds of Dance Dance Revolution, just to see if I still had the chops... I more or less do; my sight-reading skill has declined, and I tire out faster, but I can still finish most 8- or 9-foot songs. The guy that played with me, though, is probably the second-best DDR player I've ever seen, right behind that crazy kid in SF that tried to beat MAX 300 on heavy mode. I was awestruck and humbled.

I am intensely cheerful about the holiday season this year. Anybody who bitches about having to see their family or put up with in-laws or travel or anything should have to spend the holiday season at the state hospital, with short weekly visits from family and closest friends the only link to what was once home, and crappy prison thanksgiving dinner.

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