July 5, 2005

independence day

to: karl rove
from: dusty
re: treason
date: 7/04/05

you're so... white. you're even whiter than I am.

the difference between us is that you committed an act of treason. and I never did anything. except smoke weed. and break a window.

but I love america. I have no experience, but I hear it's the greatest country in the world... and I have it on good authority. So I'll run with it. Regardless of that, what you did to us makes "you" and "us" different, because you clearly don't care about us (you know, Americans), because if you did, you wouldn't stab us all in the back so that your client could get elected again, so that you could be chief of staff, or whatever you are.

I admit, I've done some pretty shitty things to some people that are very close to me. I've taken plenty of stuff that was never mine. Another difference between you and me is that I fucked with two or three people. You have fucked with 260,000,000 people. You fucked with all of America, and you will pay for what you have done.

Our country got lucky when we won our first war. We got pretty unlucky when you won a couple of elections. But... you, like dick nixon before you, will fade into sad obscurity. You, like andrew jackson, will be a footnote in a history textbook, a mere example of what should not happen to American government.

You are Benedict Arnold.

You are the Rosenbergs.

You are Joe McCarthy.

You are done.

It's over.

Thanks for playing.

Don't drive angry.

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