January 22, 2009

Early Morning Deep Thought #1

For eight years, the congressional and executive parts of the Republican party united in spirit. They universally delighted in saying "fuck you" to anyone who opposed any of their policy goals. You don't like the idea of tax cuts for the wealthiest 1% of Americans? Fuck you. You don't like a doctrine of pre-emptive, endless war? Fuck you. You don't like energy policy made in secret by industry lobbyists? Fuck you. You don't like torture, spying, retribution, illegal politicking, gerrymandering, and favoritism? Fuck fuck fuck, fuck fuck fuck... you, you, you, you, you, and you.

President Obama finds himself in office atop an avalanche of mandate. Newly-elected Democrats find themselves in office riding said avalanche, along with our new President's coattails. The first and loudest appointment to his staff was DNC finger-breaker Rahm Emanuel.

So, I ask you, Democrats of Washington... what will be our "fuck you" moment? There must be at least one... right?

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