December 21, 2007

Web 3.0

Something crazy just happened.

I took my last turn at Facebook Scrabble aka 'Scrabulous,' and having finished my FB adventures for the day, was about to watch some internet cartoons on

Lo and behold, atop my facebook page, was an ad for Adult Swim Video. Wanting to reward AS and FB for their advertising partnership, I clicked it, and was brought directly to the page. Until now, I had never seen an ad for the exact thing I wanted at the time. More importantly, I had never seen an ad where my expression of interest was enough to get me the desired product. A perfect harmony of content delivery and accurate demographic research.

Web 2.0 is clearly old and busted; Web 3.0 is the new, as-yet-undiscovered hotness. Web 3.0 can only be:

a) an internet that uses itself
b) an internet that already knows where you want to go

imo we're on our way

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