March 19, 2006

slow news day

a better idea
The conventional wisdom has been that Futurama is returning in a consumerism-friendly, profit-soaked, feature length series of DVD movies.

Billy West, the voice of Fry, tells us otherwise. Finally... something to look forward to.

no wonder poor people can't get ahead
I paid one of my credit card bills two days late last month. Actually, I paid online the day before my payment due date, but the payment didn't register until three days later. Unfortunately, this particular credit card was nearly maxed out anyways, and I got hit with two back-to-back fees, for a total of $90 that I worked about 12 hours to make, but didn't get to spend on anything. fuck.

Much worse, though, was the change in terms of service - because of those bizarro two days, my interest rate goes from an unpleasant-but-manageable 14.99 percent to a ridiculous 24.99 percent, starting this month. I got an email today saying that next month, they are changing the terms of my account so that the 'default rate' (the rate you pay if you've ever been, say, two days late on a payment) will now be 30.99 percent. If I don't like it, I can pay the credit card off and cancel my account. I am in disbelief that this is not illegal.

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